Forward-thinking visionaries leveraging creativity and ingenuity to shape a brighter.

Nurturing innovative minds to inspire future generations and spark a revolution of ideas that drive progress and innovation.

Uniting diverse innovators to collaborate, exchange ideas, and drive progress.

Innovative thinkers are the architects of progress, constantly challenging the status quo with fresh perspectives and groundbreaking ideas. They possess a unique blend of creativity, curiosity, and resilience, driving them to explore uncharted territories and solve complex problems with ingenuity and vision. Innovative thinkers thrive in environments that encourage experimentation and embrace failure as a stepping stone to success. They collaborate across disciplines, leveraging diverse perspectives to spark innovation and create meaningful impact.

Their relentless pursuit of excellence and willingness to take risks inspire others, shaping industries, and shaping a future defined by continuous advancement and positive change. 

Our Speakers

Tony Kirkland (Organizer)

Aliah nurah frazee

Ela de sausa aguiar



Azad mua

Bronwyn daniels


Sam taylor-pauli

Topics we discuss in this Meeting

Sustainable Solutions for a Better Tomorrow

Innovative thinkers focus on developing sustainable solutions that address environmental challenges while meeting human needs.

Disruptive Technologies and Digital Transformation

Innovative thinkers embrace disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and Internet of Things to revolutionize industries and drive digital transformation.

Human-Centric Design and User Experience Innovation

Innovative thinkers prioritize human-centric design principles to create products, services, and experiences that resonate with users on a deeper level.

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